Lead pastors jason & Renee exley


Jason & Renne Exley

Co-Lead Pastors

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Family: Married Renee on August 19, 2000.  We have four children - Ethan, Landon, Preston & Cannon.

Ministry Role: Lead Pastor

What's your regular order at Starbucks: Triple Grande Vanilla Latte

Favorite Movie: Rudy

Favorite Scripture: "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28 NIV

Favorite Singer and Band: I love worship music.  Primarily stuff that is recorded in live venues with the crowd worship.

One thing that most people don't know about me: I played the part of Michael J Fox in a junior high musical.

Valerie Trinkle

Office Manager & Admin Assistant
Contact Valerie at valerie@lcmidlo.com

Renee Exley

Interim Kids Pastor
Contact Renee at renee@lcmidlo.com

Chad Trinkle

Spiritual Growth, Missions, Intern Director
Contact Chad at chad@lcmidlo.com

Chad Trinkle

Interim Media Director
Contact Chad at media@lifeunusual.com

Forrest Bridges

Student Pastor
Contact Forrest at forrest@lcmidlo.com

Nathan & Merideth Jones

Worship Pastors
Contact Nathan and Merideth at media@lifeunusual.com

Under the leadership of Jason and Renee, Life Church has grown from a small group meeting in an elementry school into a large multi-service, thriving church in the Ellis County. With a boldness and vision for the local church, they continue to build the Kingdom of God to see His people live fully. At home, their family continues to grow. Jason and Renee believes in doing ministry as a family and has all four of their boys involved in serving where they can. 

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