Step one

We would love to get connected with you and the best way to do that is by filling out our "New To Life Church" form!

Step Two

Best way to get to know all about Life Church and their team is by coming to one of our Meet The Pastors event!

Step Three

Knowing how to get connected may seem hard or maybe you don't know where to start. Don't worry! Attend our next Growth Track to start your journey at LC!

Step Four

Get connected by joining one of our serve Dream Teams and grow deeper in your walk with God in one of our Life Groups!

Next Steps

We say the best way to get connected to Life Church is through one of our Life Groups!

If you want to learn more about God while getting connected to Life Church, make sure

and checkout our Growth Track and Life Groups!


If you want to dig deeper into the word and learn more about God, our Growth Track and Life Groups will help you discover your God-given purpose and help you grow in your walk with Him! Not only will you have a chance to learn more but get to connect with others in the church and community! We believe when people get connected in Life Groups or serving in one of our ministries, exciting things happen!

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You'll hear us say all the time, the best way to get connected to Life Church is through Life Groups! By joining a Life Group, you will find a place to grow in your walk with Christ as well as connecting with others. Our Life Groups meet in homes all across the area, coffee shops and even here at our church campus. When you come to one of our Life Groups, you will find that people are doing life together in a fun and relaxing environment. Our hope and goal is to make it easier than ever to get connected!

Growth track

When it comes to getting involved in volunteering and the different ministries here at Life Church, the best place to start is Life Church Growth Track! You may ask, "do I need to join the growth class?" Good question! YES! During our Growth Track classes, you'll have the chance to hear teachings and lessons directed towards YOU finding your purpose and what that looks like! Our amazing staff and teachers will teach you how to know God, get connected, discover your purpose and see how you can apply that and make a difference!

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